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Ledûb shirts

Ledûb Shirts for fashionable men

Ledûb shirts perfectly match the current trends. Ledûb shirts are made according to the motto: "Every shirt is a work of art". With different fits, different sleeve lengths and a wonderful wearing comfort, Ledûb offers shirts for every man. The collection consists of a large number of selected designs. All Ledûb shirts have a variety of details that make each shirt distinctive. Ledûb has four different fits: Regular Fit, Modern Fit, Tailored Fit and Slim Fit. View all fashionable shirts from Ledub online. | More information

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Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, One Colour Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, One Colour
, Twill
Office Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt grey/blue, Patterned Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt grey/blue, Patterned
Long sleeves, Twill
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt bright blue, Patterned Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt bright blue, Patterned
Long sleeves, Twill
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Patterned Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Patterned
Long sleeves, Oxford
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt brown, Patterned Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt brown, Patterned
Long sleeves, Popeline
Office Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt bright blue, One Colour Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt bright blue, One Colour
Long sleeves, Twill
Office Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Patterned Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Patterned
Long sleeves, Popeline
Office Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt brown, Patterned
Long sleeves, Twill
One-Button Cuff
€69.95 €89.95
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt blue, Flowers
Long sleeves, Popeline
One-Button Cuff
€69.95 €89.95
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt grey, Patterned Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt grey, Patterned
Long sleeves, Popeline
Office Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt navy, Chequered Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt navy, Chequered
Long sleeves, Twill
Office Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Striped Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Striped
Short sleeves, Twill
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Dotted Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Dotted
Short sleeves, Popeline
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt dark blue, One Colour Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt dark blue, One Colour
, Twill
Office Cuff
€32.95 €89.95
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt green, Patterned Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt green, Patterned
Long sleeves, Popeline
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt bright blue, Patterned Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt bright blue, Patterned
Long sleeves, Popeline
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt beige, One Colour Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt beige, One Colour
Long sleeves, Twill
Office Cuff
€32.95 €89.95
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt dark blue, Houndstooth Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt dark blue, Houndstooth
Long sleeves, Houndstooth
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Patterned Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Patterned
Long sleeves, Twill
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, One Colour Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, One Colour
Long sleeves, Twill
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt bright blue, Patterned Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt bright blue, Patterned
Long sleeves, Popeline
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt black, Dotted Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt black, Dotted
Long sleeves, Popeline
Office Cuff
€49.95 €79.95
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Dotted Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Dotted
Long sleeves, Popeline
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt navy, Patterned Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt navy, Patterned
, Popeline
Office Cuff
€69.95 €89.95
Ledȗb Modern Fit linen shirt bright blue, One Colour Ledȗb Modern Fit linen shirt bright blue, One Colour
Long sleeves, Linen
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit linen shirt green, One Colour Ledȗb Modern Fit linen shirt green, One Colour
Long sleeves, Linen
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt brown/blue, Patterned Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt brown/blue, Patterned
Long sleeves, Popeline
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Patterned Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Patterned
Long sleeves, Twill
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt dark blue, Paisley Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt dark blue, Paisley
Long sleeves, Popeline
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt light brown, Patterned Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt light brown, Patterned
Long sleeves, Oxford
Barrel Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt dark blue, Chequered Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt dark blue, Chequered
Long sleeves, Popeline
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Dotted Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Dotted
Short sleeves, Popeline
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt green, One Colour Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt green, One Colour
Long sleeves, Popeline
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, One Colour Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, One Colour
Long sleeves, Twill
One-Button Cuff
€44.95 €89.95
Ledȗb Modern Fit linen shirt white, One Colour Ledȗb Modern Fit linen shirt white, One Colour
Long sleeves, Linen
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Slim Fit shirt ecru, One Colour Ledȗb Slim Fit shirt ecru, One Colour
Long sleeves, Twill
Barrel Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt brown, One Colour Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt brown, One Colour
Long sleeves, Popeline
One-Button Cuff
Ledȗb Slim Fit  jersey shirt dark blue, One Colour Ledȗb Slim Fit jersey shirt dark blue, One Colour
Short sleeves, Jersey
€49.95 €79.95
Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Patterned Ledȗb Modern Fit shirt white, Patterned
Long sleeves, Oxford
Barrel Cuff
Ledȗb Modern Fit linen shirt white, One Colour Ledȗb Modern Fit linen shirt white, One Colour
Long sleeves, Linen
Barrel Cuff
€73.95 €95.00
1 From 7

Ledûb shirts

Die Hemden von Ledûb passen perfekt zu den aktuellen Trends. Ledûb-Hemden werden nach dem Motto hergestellt: "Jedes Hemd ist ein Kunstwerk". Mit verschiedenen Passformen, unterschiedlichen Ärmellängen und hohem Tragekomfort bietet Ledûb Hemden für jeden Mann. Die Kollektion besteht aus einer großen Anzahl ausgewählter Designs. Alle Ledûb-Hemden verfügen über eine Vielzahl von Details, die jedes Hemd unverwechselbar machen. Ledûb hat vier verschiedene Passformen: Regular Fit, Modern Fit, Tailored Fit und Slim Fit. Alle modischen Hemden von Ledub online ansehen.

Ledûb-Hemden: Qualität und umfangreiche Kollektionen

Für Liebhaber von Ledûb-Hemden

Ledûb steht für Qualität und umfangreiche Kollektionen. Ledûb ist bekannt für seine modernen Hemden und schönen Kreationen, die unter dem Motto "jedes Hemd ist ein Kunstwerk" stehen. Dank jahrelanger Erfahrung, Wissen und Kreativität sind alle Ledûb-Hemden einzigartig und die einzigen ihrer Art. Der Hemdenspezialist achtet besonders auf die Details, um jedem Mann ein besonderes "Ledûb-Hemd" anbieten zu können.

Ein Hemd mit der richtigen Passform

Um für jeden Mann das perfekte Hemd zu finden, verwendet Ledûb vier Schnitte. Für eine geräumige Passform wählen Sie ein normal geschnittenes Hemd. Ein modern geschnittenes Hemd hat eine "normale" Passform bei Ledûb. Männer, die eine schlanke Passform bevorzugen, tragen Tailored Fit oder Slim Fit (extra schlank) Hemden von Ledûb. So können alle Männer selbstbewusst und mit hohem Tragekomfort durch den Tag gehen.

Ledûb und Künstler

Die Marke Ledûb verbindet ihre hohe Qualität gerne mit der Arbeitsphilosophie von Guus und Manon, die authentisch ist. Wenn Sie niederländische Volksmusik aus Brabant mögen, werden Sie Ledûb vielleicht wiedererkennen. Guus Meeuwis wird schon seit einiger Zeit von der Marke gestylt und eingekleidet. Die Vorstellung "Groots met de zachte G" im PSV-Stadion in Eindhoven wurde von Guus stilvoll beendet. Weitere bekannte Niederländer haben sich mit Ledûb zusammengetan. Manon Meijers, die Stylistin, ist für die schönen Outfits verantwortlich. Sowohl Manon als auch Guus sind Kollaborationen, die Ledûb sehr gefallen. Es macht viel Spaß bei der Arbeit und bietet eine Menge Inspiration. Das engagierte Interesse an ihrem Beruf ist der Grund, warum Ledûb sie kontaktiert hat.

Ledûb: Spezialist für Manschetten

Ledûb-Gründer Sjef van Winkel fand, dass die Manschetten von Hemden besser sein könnten. Dies war sogar der Hauptgrund für die Gründung seiner eigenen Hemdenfabrik. Inzwischen hat sich die Marke zu einem echten Grenzspezialisten entwickelt. Es ist die Leidenschaft von ledûb, ständig Innovationen zu entwickeln. Durch die jahrzehntelange Innovation bleiben die Manschetten der Hemden auch nach vielen Waschgängen und Tragen in gutem Zustand. Die Hemden sind mit fünf verschiedenen Kragen erhältlich. Wählen Sie ein weggeschnittenes Brett für einen modernen, eleganten und stilvollen Look. Ein breiter, gespreizter Kragen sorgt für einen sauberen Freizeit- und Business-Look. Oder für den ultimativen Klassiker: den halb gespreizten Kragen. Die Hemden sind auch mit einem Button-Down-Kragen und einem Schmetterlingskragen für den Smoking erhältlich.

Ledub shirts

Ledûb & Shirts

The name Ledûb comes from the village of Budel in Brabant (inverted Ledub), where the brand has been based from the beginning. Founded as van Winkel Fashion, the company developed into the Ledûb brand we know today. Since 1963, Ledûb has made it its mission to offer men's fashion for every man and every occasion. Men's clothing must feel comfortable and pleasant to wear.

An extensive collection of non-iron shirts

An important element of Ledûb shirts is their comfortable fit. The brand wants each shirt to fit well and be comfortable to wear. The choice of fabric largely determines the fit of the shirt. The collection consists mostly of truly non-iron shirts. The non-iron shirts are made of 100% cotton. A special finishing process, the so-called "crease-free finishing", makes the shirts non-iron. Besides non-iron shirts, the collection consists of a large number of high-quality fabrics.

Ledub shirts online

Ledȗb - widely available in the Netherlands and Belgium

Ledȗb shirts have been available from discerning men's outfitters in the Netherlands and Belgium for many years. The popularity in Benelux has its reason and makes the shirts more and more popular in Germany as well. The reliability of Ledûb is what characterises Ledûb. The following values apply to Ledûb and Ledûb shirts.

Ledub Logo

Transparency at Ledûb

Ledûb is characterised by a certain transparency. From A to Z, how the shirts are made is explained to every customer, visitor and supplier. Ledûb guides you through the various stages a Ledûb shirt goes through: from the Ledûb design to the Ledûb fabrics to our own Ledûb production. From the production workshop to the finishing touches.

Commitment to Ledûb

Commitment is an incomparable strength of Ledûb. In the shop, every Ledûb customer is well served by finding the right fit and the right kind of shirt. The Ledûb shirt range consists of a wide selection of men's shirts for every modern man. Ledûb even offers customised shirts.

Honesty in Ledûb

Honesty is another important aspect of Ledûb, closely related to transparency and reliability. This concerns honest production. Ledûb produces all its shirts in an honest way: the employees who make these beautiful Ledûb clothes are paid an honest wage and work under good conditions. Their production is properly controlled. Ledûb does not compete with low-wage countries.

Quality in Ledûb

Quality and craftsmanship at Ledûb. Two words that can be mentioned in the same breath as Ledûb. Both the materials and the clothes stand for perfection and high quality. Ledûb uses beautiful fabrics, including 100% cotton iron-on, fine twill, coarse twill, oxford, flannel, dotted and herringbone. Find the best sotffs at Ledûb: a quality brand for men.

Ledȗb logo

Since 2017, Ledȗb shirts have undergone a bit of a metamorphosis with the use of a new neck label. More and more we see the pale blue background on which the logo is beautifully presented. Ledub's logo consists of the letters: LEDUB with two stripes.

The birth of Ledûb

The name Van Winkel's Konfectiebedrijven disappeared after a long time and was renamed Ledûb in 1963. Ledûb is the mirror word for Budel. This is the birthplace of the brand in Brabant. In the meantime Ledûb got a new manager: Gerard van Winkel (son of the founder Sjef). He completed a crash course in menswear and shirts and took over in 1970. Ledûb's success is further underlined at the Men's Fashion Fair in the spring of 1982. There were special times of success. Prince Claus got to know Ledûb at the fair and was fascinated by the beautiful collections. The 80s followed: tough times for shirts, but Ledûb grew and achieved one success after another.

Personal Ledûb service

You can buy Ledûb clothing in the Netherlands and Belgium online via the shirt webshop. We distinguish ourselves by offering only high quality clothing. Personal service comes first. And we want you to feel comfortable in a shirt. The result is a collection of brands that have one thing in common: They are the best and most popular shirts right now.