How to save on your next purchase with current coupons from
Unique offers and discount vouchers for our loyal customers
At you will always find the right coupon and current offers for your next purchase, so you can save real money, but still have as many high quality garments as you want.
But it is best to buy even more pieces for your next order right away, because the vouchers and offers are usually limited in time.
10€ coupon* from an order value of 70,- €
Coupon code: 10AB70GS
* redeemable only once per customer
10% discount with newsletter subscription*
Subscribe to newsletter here
*Only valid for email addresses not yet subscribed to the newsletter
How can I buy cheap polo shirts with a voucher?
This is very easy: You choose your favorite pieces from over 1,300 polo shirts in our online store and put them in the shopping cart. If you then click on the shopping cart icon, you can edit the shopping cart. Here you click on "I have a voucher" and enter your voucher code. Otherwise, you can also enter the coupon code when you proceed to checkout. The discount will then be displayed directly in your total.
Can I combine already given discounts with a voucher?
Yes you can. Items from the sale that already have a discount, you can then still combine with your voucher and save a lot of money. So you can thus achieve up to 80% price reduction.
Buy polo shirts cheap with coupons
As a new customer, you can combine your selected favorite polo shirt with a 10€ voucher, as long as your order value is over 70€. This voucher is also only applicable once per customer. And if you sign up for the newsletter, you get a 10% voucher on your entire order for free.